Safer Schools App:
We are excited to announce that we will be using the brilliant new Safer Schools NI App to support pupils, parents and staff with their online safety and education.
Click on the link for instructions on how to download and install the App.
Click on the links below for further advice on all issues safety related.
General Advice to Everyone
We all deserve to be able to use the internet to learn, explore and connect with each other. But all of us need to be aware of the risks involved in doing so, especially on social media. Our advice is:
Don't share personal information or images with people you don't know.
Don't accept friend requests with someone you don't know - not everyone online may be who they say they are.
Set privacy settings on all devices so that only people you know can view your account.
Don't post anything online that you are happy to be shared, particulary nude or nearly nude images or videos. It may seem like a bit of fun with friends at the time but there is always a chance those images could be shared or get into the wrong hands and could lead to harmful situations such as stalking, abuse or blackmail.
If someone has made you feel uncomfortable or you have had disturbing interaction online, tell police or a trusted adult. You can ring the police on 101 or for help and advice ring Childline on 0800 1111 or Lifeline on 0808 808 8000.
The internet can be a great place but it is important to remember there are people out there who may wish to abuse, exploit, intimidate or bully you online - if this happens to you, tell someone immediately.
Remember that if things do go wrong online, there are people who can help.
If you receive any inappropriate images or links, it is important that you do not forward it to anyone else. Contact police or tell a trusted adult immediately. By doing this you could help prevent further such incidents. You will not get into trouble.
General Advice to Parents
The most important thing is to have conversations with your children - talk to them about the benefits and dangers of the internet so that you can empower them to use the internet safely.
Cultivate an interest in their online activities - their favourite websites, online games and interests and keep an eye on what they are doing online.
Don't be afraid to ask your children who they are talking to online and what they are talking about and remind them how important is to tell a trusted adult if something happens online that makes them feel uncomfortable or worried because there are people who can help.
Become a 'net-savvy' parent - the best safeguard against online dangers is being informed. Jump in and learn the basics of the internet - read articles, take a class, and talk to other parents. You don't have to be an expert to have a handle on your child's online world.
Useful Links
http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/: the main UK Government website with advice for parents on how to keep children safe online
http://www.ceop.police.uk/: the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is the Government body dedicated to eradicating abuse of children. Concerns about inappropriate contacts between a child and an adult, including online, can be reported directly to CEOP.
http://www.iwf.org.uk/: the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) works to remove illegal material from the internet. If you have found any material you believe to be illegal e.g. child sex abuse images, other obscene material or material which incites racial hatred, you can report it to the IWF.
A number of specialist websites contain general advice that may be of help to parents. These include;
https://parentzone.org.uk/: Parent Zone helps families to become safer and more confident explorers of the online world. As parents, you’re the experts on your kids – as well as their first and most important teachers. These tips and tricks are designed to support what you’re doing at home – while helping you to have fun together.