A Family Works Counsellor is available to work alongside staff to help pupils who have specific concerns and to enable them to develop the skills they need to overcome the problems they are facing. Family Works guidelines ensure that the counsellor will only see pupils who agree to speak to them and they will encourage each pupil to share with his parents/guardians the issues that arise during counselling.
- Familyworks Schools Counselling Service (fwscs)
Name of Counsellor – Martina O'Hara
In school – Tuesday
Appt time – 9.35am – 2.00pm
Drop in service over lunch
Make an appointment – Speaking to Form Teacher / Speaking to Mrs J O Neill or Mrs McGready / Self referral re the box outside the library.
SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone)
Seven staff members are safeTALK trained to allow them to identify pupils who:
Have thoughts of suicide
Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide.
Apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, Keepsafe) to connect a pupil to suicide first aid intervention care givers.
Additional Support
- Cruse Bereavement link
- Winston’s Wish link Charity for bereaved children
- Student Support Leaflet
- Parents Support Leaflet
- Dealing with Sudden Death Information for young people Leaflet
- Dealing with Sudden Death Helping Children and Adolescents Leaflet
Emotional Health and Well-being - Salus