About The College
The Foundation of the College
St Michael’s College was founded in 1903. It moved to its present site in 1957 and was designated a Diocesan College by the then Bishop of Clogher, Most Rev Dr Eugene O’Callaghan. It was established to cater for the educational needs of Catholic boys from the Northern half of the Diocese of Clogher. The building opened in 1957 was designed to cater for 160 pupils. Boarding facilities were available for about 60 boys. Since its foundation the College has continued to grow and expand. It now has 700 students, a teaching staff of 50 and a support staff of 35.
The Aims of the College are:
To complement the work of parents who are the primary educators of their children.
To foster a Catholic ethos wherein students are helped to understand and follow the teaching of Christ and His Church.
To create for students a caring, supportive community where learning is enjoyable.
To help students develop as person by acquiring positive attitudes, values and skills.
To help students develop a variety of talents and to encourage the use of these talents in positive contributions to the College and to the wider world.
To help students fulfil their academic potential through the provision of a broad, balanced, relevant and coherent curriculum and to prepare them for public examinations.
To develop to the fullest extent students' abilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
To prepare students for third level and further education, for work and for leisure.
To broaden the horizons of students by developing links with appropriate agencies outside the College.
To help students understand, respect and cooperate with others.
To help students relate well to those who differ from them in religion, politics and culture.
To foster in students an awareness of the needs of others and to encourage them to help those in need.
To foster in students an awareness of their Irish identity through the promotion of Irish culture.
To educate students to understand, respect and take responsibility for their local and global environment.
To encourage students to acquire positive attitudes towards healthy living and safe working practices.
To provide the opportunity for all staff members to achieve personal fulfilment and develop their skills to the full.
To enable all staff members to contribute to the total personal development of students through class and extra-curricular work and to be involved in organisational and policy decisions of the College.
To be open to development and progress.
To evaluate regularly how the aims of the College are being implemented.