We were delighted to welcome back Enda McKenna (BRINGITON) to the school to present to the GCSE students the opportunities that exist in the IT sector. He highlighted to the boys the critical shortage of skilled IT professionals in NI and the numerous career options available. In the second session he made the year 13/14 boys aware of the alternative pathways available to them in getting into the sector. In particular he focussed on the Apprenticeship scheme in which 15 student from across NI will be given the chance to apply for an apprenticeship position with one of the top firms in NI.
James and Claire (Technology Consultant Graduates) from PwC Belfast came on Tuesday and their focus was on increasing awareness of PwC Technology opportunities. They provided a fun and interactive workshop which engaged, informed and inspired our students. The session involved them sharing their personal stories and reflections, blended with giving some key information about PwC, what they do and their opportunities through interactive games and activities.