Mr N McCann
Mr. P Teague
Welcome to St. Michael’s College P. E. Department. In St. Michael’s we aim to empower our pupils to realise not only their academic potential but to enjoy and become “the best they can be” in sport. That however does not mean we concentrate all our efforts on the most capable athletes, we try to make learning through sport fun for everyone and try to develop everyone physically, socially and mentally through the medium of physical activity. Please take the time to browse through our site and be part of the sporting experience at St. Michael’s.
Physical Education is one of the compulsory subjects within the Creative and Expressive Area of Study.
Through such a programme pupils have the opportunity to:
Develop body dexterity.
Extend, refine and become more proficient in a range of psycho motor skills.
Experience and appreciate the contribution of physical education to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
At Key Stage 4 pupils should become more responsible for their own activity programme and seek opportunities to continue these outside the school curriculum. The programme of study for Key Stage 4 also provides for the progressive development of particular skill activities and personal qualities.
Course Description
Physical education is all about developing a healthy, active approach to life. Whatever the activities involved – from Gaelic football to boxing, trampolining to table-tennis and hill-walking to the 100-metre sprint – it’s designed to foster enjoyable participation in exercise and training. At the same time, it helps each individual reach their full potential by providing background knowledge about health, effective training and safe performance.
Both these GCSE courses give students opportunities to:
improve their fitness levels and skills through a range of physical activities;
improve their performance in different types of physical activity and roles such as player, participant, leader and official;
develop their ability to take part independently and successfully in different types of physical activity;
develop and continue their involvement in physical activity as part of a healthy, active lifestyle;
Yr 11 GCSE PE Studies (Eduqas)
This course into three components:
Component 1: Introduction to Physical Education (120 marks)
Component 2: The active participant in physical education
Students study the following:
Component 1: Introduction to Physical Education (120 marks)
Written examination: 2 hours
60% of qualification
Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended questions. The questions will be based on stimuli/sources.
Component 2: The active participant in physical education
Non-exam assessment.
40% of qualification
10% for practical activity 1
10% for practical activity 2
10% for practical activity 3
10% for Personal Exercise Programme
This component is internally assessed and externally moderated. Learners will be assessed in three different activities in the role of performer in at least one individual and one team sport. Learners will be further assessed through a written analysis and evaluation of their personal performance in one of their chosen activities.
Yr 12 GCSE PE Studies (CCEA)
The Yr 12 CCEA GCSE PE course is also assessed through a combination of written and practical assessments.
This course into three components:
Component 1: Factors Underpinning Health and Performance
Component 2: Developing Performance
Component 3: Individual Performances in Physical Activities and Sports
The two written papers assess knowledge and understanding of Anatomy and Physiology in sporting performance as well as aspects affecting participation and performance in physical activity. Both examination papers will account for 50% of the total marks.
Component 1: Factors Underpinning Health and Performance 8
3.2 Component 2: Developing Performance 35
3.3 Component 3: Individual Performances in Physical Activities
and Sports
The practical section of the course will be based on the student’s ability to perform 3 sports. 1 team, 1 Individual and 1 of either. This practical performance module will also account for 50% of the total marks.
Course Description
The Level 3 BTEC in SPORT at St Michaels offers flexibility for students to progress to larger-size qualifications or specialise in a specific area. It provides opportunity for students to showcase their skills through practical assessments as well as underpinning knowledge and skills needed to meet requirements in the sporting industry. In addition, the course develops transferable skills such as communication, team working and leadership skills.
The BTEC Sport course offers clear progression routes: such as BSc in Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science. Also supports progression into direct entry level roles such as physical activity leader or fitness/leisure assistant. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for a potential career in Personal Training, Sports Management and Sporting Events.
Equivalent in size to one A Level.
4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 1 is external.
Mandatory content (83%).
External assessment (17%).
At St Michael’s College students study the following modules:
Unit 1 – Anatomy & Physiology
Written examination set and marked by Pearson.
1.5 hours.
80 marks.
Learners explore how the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems function and the fundamentals of the energy systems.
Unit 2 – Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport, and Well-being
A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.
In Part A, learners will be given a case study one week before a supervised assessment period in order to carry out preparation.
In Part B, the supervised assessment period is 2.5 hours as timetabled by Pearson.
Written submission.
60 marks.
Learners explore client screening and lifestyle assessment, fitness training methods and fitness programming to support improvements in a client’s health and well-being.
Unit 3 – Professional Development in the Sports Industry
Internally assessed.
Learners explore the knowledge and skills required for different career pathways in the sports industry. Learners will take part in, and reflect on, a personal skills audit, career action plan and practical interview assessment activities.
Unit 5 – Application of Fitness Testing
Internally assessed.
Learners gain an understanding of the requirements of fitness testing and learn how to safely conduct a range of fitness tests for different components of fitness.
Those who are interested in sports science can go on to enjoy careers in personal and fitness training, the leisure industry, event management, sports massage and therapy, physical education and teaching.
Proficiency in Physical Education and Sport is important in the total development of the individual. Involvement in games develops the essential qualities of commitment and loyalty to team effort necessary in many careers. Active and regular participation in Physical Education undoubtedly improves the interest and skill levels of those students who hope to pursue a career in Sport, Leisure, or Physical Education.
Prospective Candidates must have a passion for Sports, must be a high level performer in a variety of activities and must be committed to broadening their knowledge and to improving their personal performance!