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Business Studies


Head of Department

Mr Gerard Donnelly

Subject Teacher

Mrs Joanne O'Neill

Business Studies provides students with a unique insight into the world of work. Through its study, students discover how businesses operate and learn about their key elements and essential business functions.


This knowledge, and the holistic understanding that develops, is invaluable to those students who are approaching or currently in the workplace. It offers an excellent foundation for those wishing to pursue careers in management, marketing, project management, business accounting, management consultancy, human resources, and business journalism as well as those interested in continuing on to further study.


- Assessment


In GCSE Business Studies, students must sit two examinations both lasting 1 hour 30 minutes.


The unit 1 exam assesses the students on their knowledge and understanding of Starting a Business. It is worth 40% of the final award and students will sit this exam at the end of year 11.


The other exam may test students on their knowledge and understanding of any aspect of the course. It is worth 40% and students will complete this exam at the end of year 12.


The controlled assessment task is worth 20% of the final award and students are asked to prepare a Business Plan. This unit will draw on all areas of the specification.


An overview of the specification is shown below.


- Examing Board: CCEA

Qualification & Specification Details:


The full advanced GCE A Level award is based on students' marks from the AS (40%) and the A2 (60%).


The table below summarises the structure of the AS and A Level Courses:

BTEC Business

The college now also offers BTEC Business which is the equivalent of a full A- Level course. BTECs embody a fundamentally learner-centred approach to the curriculum, with a flexible, unit-based structure and knowledge applied in project-based assessments.


They focus on the holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education.


There are 4 units to the course:


Unit 1 – Exploring Business – this unit is taken in year 1 of the course and is an internally assessed unit where students complete a portfolio looking into the actions of chosen businesses.


Unit 2 – Developing a Marketing Campaign – this unit is taken in year 1 and is externally assessed. Students will complete a 3 - hour task in school based on research to a pre- set task.


Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance – this unit is taken in year 2 and is externally assessed. Students will sit an exam at the end of year 2 of the course.


Unit 4 – optional unit to be chosen by the teacher – this unit is internally assessed with students completing a portfolio in year 2 of the course.


An overview of the course is shown below.

Careers Note

AS and A Level Business Studies provides students with the opportunity to learn about the environment in which they will one day work, regardless of career choice. The Study of Business Studies provides students with the opportunity to pursue a wide range of degree courses and careers. Some examples:


Accountancy/Finance, Banking, Insurance, Estate Management, Teaching, Marketing and Advertising, Human Resource Management, Production Management, Civil Service, NHS Management, Retail Management, Stock Broker, Business Information Systems, Financial Investment.

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