Peace Studies group deliver History workshop to Holy Trinity Primary School Pupils
By Ben Kettyles Year 13
The Year 13 Peace Studies programme, undertaken in conjunction with the Enniskillen Royal Grammar School, came to a close on Monday 3rd June with a visit to the Cornagrade site of Holy Trinity Primary School, where the group presented the culmination of many weeks work to the P7 year group. The focus of the presentation was 'Women’s Suffrage', and the Year 13s were spread out into 5 groups, each with the aim of informing the P7 children about the origins and impact of Women's Suffrage. Some of the students produced a role play scenario, detailing the local impact of the movement, while other groups produced games, informative displays, art, and an insight into the common ways of life at the height of the movement. Each part of the presentation was very well received by the P7 pupils and teachers alike, and the general consensus was that each of the P7s, despite limited knowledge of the suffrage movement prior to the presentation, all went away from the day knowing a great deal more about the issue than they had previously. In this sense, we as a group achieved what we had set out to do, which was simply to increase the knowledge of the pupils, even by a small amount.
Following an extremely successful day, numerous people must be thanked for the work they undertook throughout the year to ensure that the Peace Studies programme continued to thrive. Mrs Bernie O’Reilly and Mr Phil Beddard put a great deal of time and effort into the running of the programme over the past 9 months, and it cannot be questioned that their work was invaluable. Above all, however, thanks must go to Catherine Scott of the Castle Museum, who put countless hours of time and research into making our final presentation the best it could possibly be. Catherine’s work does not go unnoticed, and she was duly rewarded with a gift from the group.
This signified the end of the Peace Studies programme for this group, and I am sure I speak for the whole body of students that undertook the scheme when I say that it has been of unquestionable benefit to everyone who took part. From the Remembrance Day services in November to the trip to Derry in March, we have been afforded many opportunities that I’m sure none of us will forget for a long time. Our knowledge of our chosen topic, the suffrage movement, has been greatly increased, whilst we have also gained a broader understanding of our own culture in a cross community environment.